Loriana Castellano possesses both the simplicity and the freshness required by Masetto and Zerlina – with her talent confirmed….. FORUMOPERA.COM […]
Loriana Castellano possesses both the simplicity and the freshness required by Masetto and Zerlina – with her talent confirmed….. FORUMOPERA.COM […]
‘on stage, very nice scenically and convincing vocally, smooth and mottled, the Cinderella of Loriana Castellano, a talented mezzo soprano, […]
“Hilarious and well in focus is the stepsister performed by Loriana Castellano.. APEMUSICALE.IT di Emanuele Dominioni Varied at its […]
Busty and vocally exquisite the Zaida of Loriana Castellano… IMPICCIONEVIAGGIATORE.IT DI Andrea Merli “Loriana Castellano sang well, with a […]
Excellent choice of Loriana Castellano who knew how to give the right prominence and musical value to a spiritual character […]
“Selinda, well sung by Loriana Castellano who has a beautiful voice, clear and sweet, a good musical phrasing together with […]
“Loriana Castellano in the role of the devilish “bride” Bettina. I have recently seen a recital of the Matrimonio segreto […]
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